Friday, August 16, 2019

Importance of a Creative Preschool Curriculum

The first important thing to do is to determine what we tend to mean after we say “curriculum”. The curriculum involves a continuous chain of activities required to educational goals into concrete activities, materials and observable change in behavior. At School Of Scholars Atrey, regarded as the top School in Nagpur, our first commitment to your child is to provide a holistic learning experience, focus on overall growth and make them succeed in school and in life.

The creative curriculum is designed in such a way that it incorporates big ideas, varied and engaging activities that could meet the children's basic needs. The creative curriculum teachers ensure for pre-schoolers to build confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills, create an atmosphere of safety and security, promote positive outcomes and a sense of belonging inside the classroom.

We at School of Scholars, recognized as the best pre school in Nagpur offer an extensive curriculum that will instil the confidence and competency in the children to make them grow naturally into self-assured and capable individuals who can take on all the challenges head-on in all aspects.

Creative Preschool Curriculum | SOS Atrey

Here’s delving deeper into five areas of focus to ensure the growth of children:

1. Communication and Language

Early communication and language skills are crucial tasks for every child’s overall development in school, in life and beyond. Improving these skills with some daily interactions could benefit proschoolers. By working on communication and language skills will stimulate their senses as well as encourage them to ask questions, building on confidence, ability to understand others and express oneself.

2. Physical, Social and Emotional Development:

Play is absolutely necessary for preschoolers for proper development, it’s an essential part of life from cognitive and physical to social and emotional development. Preschoolers learn from how to hold a pencil, how to cut with scissors to learning to share to take turn activities are drawn to which help their physical development.

3. Literacy

Literacy is a key component of the preschool curriculum, it generally refers to reading and writing skills. Early literacy skills play an important role in early learning experiences that are developed during the early years of a child’s life can help them become successful later on in school and beyond.

4. Expressive Art and Design

Children in the early years learn about “Expressive art and design” which give them time to explore and experiment with ideas, materials, activities, thoughts and feelings. Through this, they learn to solve problems, share ideas, extend vocabulary and play co-operatively with each other.

5. Understanding the World

This early year understating the world skill can help children to develop their understanding of people, places, science or nature.

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