What are Soft Skills?
Soft skills are the other non-academic skills that include the cognitive elements of which students acquire to help them succeed in life. Soft skills are identified as the most crucial skills as it contributes to a person’s ability to manage him or herself and relate to other people – skills which matter as much as IQ or technical skills for the career success in the fast moving era of technology.
Soft skills often include social emotional skills, communicative skills, critical thinking skills, ethics, moral & professional, entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills and skills that facilitate positive interactions with others and the ability to overcome challenges.
The School of Scholars Atrey is a prolific Top CBSE Schools in Nagpur dedicated to helping students to be successful in a new area. It helps the student to build confidence along with problem-solving skills, teamwork and critical thinking skills that build potential in them to boost their confidence.
Soft Skills Development in School Students | SOS Atrey - CBSE Schools in Nagpur |
Based on the research, six soft skills have been identified and chosen to be beneficial for students for developing them. They are:
Communicative Skills:
It’s important for a student to be friendly with others. They must have positive behaviors, the gratitude of others, a collaborative effort in solving the problem with other team members. A
Ability to deliver ideas clearly, present clearly and confidently either orally or in writing. They need empathy, friendliness, professionalism in their speaking and confident physical expressions while interacting.
Critical Thinking Skills:
Ability to think independently, clearly and rationally is very important whatever we choose to do. Critical thinkers must be open-minded, respect clarity and precision, look at different points of view, respect evidence and reasoning and will change positions when reason leads them to do so. Ability to identify and analyze issues/problems in difficult situations. Ability to search out ideas and look for alternative solutions. The student must have the ability to make a conclusion based on valid proof.
Entrepreneurship Skills:
Entrepreneurship skills help us to recognize the economic opportunities which include inner discipline, ability to take the risk, being innovative, change-oriented and persistence. Entrepreneurship skills also help in bringing innovative ideas, build and explore business which is the backbone of the modern cooperative sector.
Ethics, Moral and Professional Skills:
Ethics, Moral and Professional Skills:
Ethics, moral and professional skill is also the soft skills which play an important role in sharpening individual's excellent personality. Good Ethics is to understand environmental, social and cultural aspects. It's a fundamental requirement of any profession.
Leadership Skills:
Leadership plays a very important role in every aspect of a student’s life. Developing Leadership Skills can help the student to build confidence, sense of responsibility, sharpen problem solving, empower up a resume and become familiar with being recognized.
Teamwork Skills:
Teamwork Skills:
This is a must-have quality for students, it will help them to enhance their personal performance and achieve the desired goals in many group projects.